About Angeliki Yiassemides
Angeliki Yiassemides is a certified Jungian analyst with the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), and a member of the Malta Developing Group.
She is a Developmental Psychologist (MA, MPhil, Columbia University) and holds a PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies with a focus on Analytical Psychology (Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex).
Angeliki had a long-lasting career in the field of education. She is a graduate of Teachers College, Columbia Univerisity and has worked in various early childhood and primary educational settings in the United States for over a decade. She later founded and directed the non-profit Morningside Montessori Elementary (2017-2022) in Nicosia, Cyprus. She is currently an educational consultant.
Since 2023, Angeliki has been in Psychedelic Therapy training with the Mind Foundation, Berlin, with the aim of augmenting the psychoanalytic process via altered states of consciousness.
Dr. Yiassemides is a published Jungian scholar.
She lives in Cyprus.
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
Hans Bender in Conversation with Carl Jung: Participation Mystique and its Implications for our Understanding of Time and Death
International Journal of Jungian Studies
Authors: Angeliki Yiassemides & Marc Wittmann
"Hans Bender in conversation with Carl Jung: Participation Mystique and its implications for understanding time and death"
Jungian Open Talk Series, Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, UK
"Participation Mystique: Consciousness and Temporality" ("Participación Mística: Conciencia y Temporalidad")
Sociedad Española de Psicología Analítica (SEPA) Madrid, Spain
"The Great God Pan is Dead: Stories we tell ourselves that disjoint our modern world"
"When TIme is Out of Joint" 6th European Conference of Analytical Psychology, Syracuse, Sicily
MAY 2022
Synchronicity and prospective dreams: The Knight and the Child
The British Psychological Society, Psychotherapy Section Review No 67, International Special Issue: Clinical approaches to exceptional experiences
https://explore.bps.org.uk/content/bpspsr/1/67/93 (2022)
MAY 2022
"Participation Mystique and Temporality"
6th International Expert Meeting on Clinical Approaches of Exceptional Experiences, British Psychological Society (Tavistock Institute), London
APRIL 2021
“Unorthodox Temporality in Action“
C. G. Jung Society of South Australia (webinar)
MAY 2019
“Synchronicity and Prospective Dreams in Clinical Practice”
5th International Expert Meeting on Clinical Approaches of Exceptional Experiences, Universitè de Laurraine, France
“Dreaming the Myth Onwards: Prophetic Dreams and Time’s Directionality according to Carl Jung”
4th International Conference on Time Perspective, Universitè de Nante, France
“Temporal Directionality and Dimensionality in the Psyche”
International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education conference on Time, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
JULY 2017
“Montessori Peace Education in Cyprus, the Last Divided Country in Europe”
International Montessori Congress, Prague. Pathways to Peace: Montessori Education for Social Change
APRIL 2017
Time and the Psyche: Jungian Perspectives
Angeliki Yiassemides (Ed.). (2017) London & New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group
APRIL 2017
The thin curtain of Non-Space and Non-Time: synchronicity and prospective dreams; theory and clinical applications
In Time and the Psyche Jungian Perspectives (2017). A. Yiassemides (Ed.), Routledge
“The Necessity for Peace Education in a War-Torn Country”
Women Economic Forum, London
MARCH 2016
Time and Timelessness: Temporality in the Theory of Carl Jung
Yiassemides, A. (2014, 2016), London & New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group
First book in Routledge's series "Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies"
“On Time”
The Jungian Psychoanalytic Association (JPA) New York City, with Harald Atmanspacher and Morgan Stebbins
MAY 2015
“Having ‘the time of our lives’: Understanding Time, Embracing Timelessness”
Key-Note Speaker at the Annual Psychosynthesis Forum, Cologne Germany
“Time and the Psyche: Jungian Perspectives”
Conference organizer and host Nicosia, Cyprus. The first international conference to explore temporality in the psyche, from a Jungian perspective.
“Dreaming Beyond the Collective Split”
TEDx Nicosia 2011
Chronos in synchronicity; manifestations of the psychoid reality
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 56, 451-470
JULY 2011
“Quantum Enchantment and the Jungian Paradigm”
First Regional London Conference of the International Association of Jungian Studies: Enchantment and Disenchantment: The Psyche in transformation, University of London
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
"Towards Mythic Consciousness: Reimagining the Great God Pan's Return"
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
Research Topics
Time & Psychoanalysis
The concept of Time in Psychoanalytic thinking, and particularly in C. G. Jung's opus. How the concept of time developed throughout Jung’s work; how it relates to his theoretical breakthroughs and his understanding of the workings of the psyche.
Synchronicity & Time
What precisely is the function of time (i.e. of chronos) in the acausal connecting principle of synchronicity? By exploring the role of time in Jung’s theory we can gain a deep understanding of the principle and the way it relates to our everyday experience.
Psychedelic Assisted Jungian Psychoanalysis
Psychedelic integration therapy with an emphasis on Jungian theory. Understanding and exploring the importance of preparation prior to, and integration following psychedelic experiences, for maximizing therapeutic outcome.
Education as a Transformative Tool
How education can facilitate the teaching and implementation of peace, mental health, creativity, critical thinking, personality development, etc. at an individual and societal level.
Collective Shadow & Collective Unconscious
The split of the Cypriot psyche into ‘Greek Cypriot’ and ‘Turkish Cypriot’: How we can understand, conceptualize and transcend it. Analytical psychology can provide the language and the means for such an endeavor that reaches beyond our personal consciousness.